March 1, 2012

Now? How about now?

What is now? And more importantly, when is now?

Have you ever seen this arcade game? It's called the Cyclone. Tiny lightbulbs illuminating in rapid succession create the illusion of a continually moving stream of light. The object of the game is to press one of the buttons around the perimeter at the exact moment the corresponding lightbulb is illuminated. It sounds easy, but it's actually incredibly hard to do.

Now, think about what now is. It's a perpetually moving moment in time that we as human beings try to stop and label. If now never stops, by the time you've identified now, isn't it already then?

I spent a good deal of my day trying to figure this one out, but ended up tying my brain into a pretzel knot. Any ideas?

Here's a song with a relevant title to listen to while you ponder: How Soon Is Now? - The Smiths

Also, this post is the perfect excuse to post a (hilariously relevant) clip from one of my favorite movies.

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