August 27, 2013

My Idiot Boss

During busy season, the Tax department gets dinners catered on Tuesday and Thursday.  After the tax guys and gals are done eating, the rest of us get to pick at the leftovers.

Tonight's dinner was Chinese food.

After dinner, my boss came over, somewhat frantically.

"Did any of you eat a fortune cookie?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Did yours have a fortune in it?"

"Yeah." I wasn't sure what he was getting at.

"Shit. I must have eaten mine."

HAHAHA. Idiot.

August 8, 2013

Fake Birthday

Happy fake birthday to me.  Though my real birthday is exactly two months away, I used to tell people my birthday was August 8 so my date of birth could be 8/8/88. 

That would have been an epic birth date, but probably not worth the permanent health defects caused by being born two months premature.  So, I'll stick with 10/8/88 and fully developed lungs.

Also, sorry for the hiatus.  I wish I had an explanation for it, other than a combination of laziness and apathy, but I don't.