February 29, 2012

How do you like your eggs?

Since spring (and Easter) are right around the corner, I am devoting today's post to eggs. Here are my thoughts on two types in particular: hard boiled and raw.

A person with no knowledge of eggs may think that a raw egg is inherently tougher than a hard-boiled egg because of its hard outer shell. They might handle the raw egg with less care because they assume it is unbreakable. What they don't understand is that the hard-boiled egg has the same consistency throughout, while the raw egg has a fragile yoke that will spill out if the shell cracks. In fact, the primary purpose of this shell is to protect the contents within.
The lesson here: be careful how you handle eggs of either type, because you never can never be sure what's inside.

...on second thought, I might not be talking about eggs at all.

Also - Happy Leap Day to all! I can honestly say that I have not-a-clue where I will be or what I will be doing next time Leap Day comes around. And you know what? I'm okay with that. There's more to life than knowing all the answers.

Also, also - please listen to this song. The lyrics are weird, and I love it.