March 10, 2012


My weekend study schedule goes something like this: wake up, eat breakfast, assemble study materials, go to work, study until I can't take it anymore, return home and take a long walk with my iPod, feel better, study more, go to sleep.

Today was no exception. As usual, I left work when I was too burned out to study any more, and set out for my walk. I walked and I walked, and listened to music and walked some more. At a certain point I realized that, despite the fresh air and music, I didn't feel any better. I started to get frustrated at myself, which obviously didn't help me feel any better. So then I was tired, upset and annoyed.

I've stopped bringing my phone with me when I walk, mostly because I don't want to carry it, but also because I realized how rarely anyone actually calls or texts while I'm walking. For that matter, nobody emails me or contacts me through Facebook, Twitter, or comments on these posts. I'm starting to think that my life is the movie Back to the Future and I'm the one who has been erased from the family photo - only nobody bothered to tell me. All for the pursuit of a goal that has done nothing but suck all forms of joy and human interaction from my life.

So, I think it's time for me to take a break. I'll be back when things are...different.

As for my song - this one isn't new (it was the song on my myspace page when I was 16 or so), but, I still enjoy hearing it when it comes up on my shuffle.
Aqualung - Something to Believe In:


  1. hang in there. things will get better. plus now we know there is one person who walks in LA.

  2. I call you when you walk! I would even walk with you. :)
