February 4, 2012

Oh In(tro)verted World

A weekend of fresh air and no studying is just what I needed.

Today I went out for a bike ride with my mom. We had to ride on main streets for a few miles to get to the actual bike path. During that part of the ride, we attempted to chat (which isn't easy on a bike). I like talking with my mom, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I just don't have anything to say. Today was one of those days, so I was somewhat relieved when we hit the main bike path (higher speeds and no streets to cross) and all I could hear was the sound of wind in my ears. There was no pressure to speak, allowing me the freedom to retreat into my own head...

Sometimes I feel that my mind is a massive cave with infinite tunnels to explore. The more I think, the more I might find. I've gotten in the habit of going to bed at least an hour before I intend on falling asleep to give myself time to think. I think about what is, what was, what could be. Things I said, things I didn't say, things other people said. I try to fit all the pieces of my life together like a puzzle, and fill in the missing pieces with theoreticals. My friends often tell me that I overthink things, but I don't know if there is such thing as overthinking. I don't think I could ever think too much (or get tired of thinking). There are no judgments- just me and my thoughts.

On a related note, my mom saved me this magazine, which featured an article about the power of being an introvert and the pressure society places on introverts to conform. As you might have guessed, I am an introvert. We are a thoughtful, cautious breed. This is not to say that we are antisocial people (many people are incredibly surprised to find out that I am an introvert because I can also be extremely sociable and talkative), we just need our thinking time.

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