January 31, 2012

The Surfer Theorem

Hello world.

So my google calendar has informed me that February beings tomorrow. For the majority of the population, February is all about Valentine's Day (whether you love it or hate it). Personally, I think it's sort of odd that a special day has to be set aside to remind couples to show their love for one another (shouldn't that be....every day?), but some couples need that reminder.

Per February tradition (1 year strong), here is a theory about relationships (you can catch last year's post here):

The Surfer Theorem:

You are a surfer, drifting in shallow waters waiting to catch a wave. Sometimes, you can look toward the horizon and see swells coming in the distance. You have a long time to observe the coming swells and decide if which one you'll try to catch.
Other times, the swells come out of nowhere. Catching the wave requires quick judgment, but can still result in a successful ride.
Though it is your choice to pass up a wave or attempt to surf it to shore, there are many factors that determine whether the ride will be a success. Certain waves, for one reason or another, just don't work out. You can paddle as hard as you want, and the wave will still move past you.
Other times, you may catch the wave, but not stand up in time or fall off your board.
And then there are the times you do catch the wave and get to your feet, only to wipe out in a cluster of jagged rocks. And some days, there are just no waves to be caught. This one requires patience, my friend.

So basically, just keep at it until you find the perfect wave. Good luck.

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