January 8, 2012

Writing Down What I Want To Say Out Loud

Ladies and gentlemen, the following post will not be nice. But it's true:

While checking Facebook earlier today, my news feed informed me that a college friend had posted an album of her and her relatively-new boyfriend on a Caribbean cruise. I like looking at other people's pictures, so I clicked on it.

This girl is not the most beautiful creature to ever walk the planet earth, but I'd consider her among the upper-middle class looks-wise. Boyfriend: ugly. I don't even know where to start, but I couldn't stare at his pictures for more than a few seconds without feeling uncomfortable. Overweight, chinless, bad hair cut, ill-fitting clothes. Let's just say if I spotted him from across the room, I'd only give him a second look to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.

So, getting around to the purpose of this post- if I were to come across this girl in person, I would sit her down on one knee (grandma style) and say, from the bottom of my heart, "honey, there's nothing wrong with being single."

But now that I've typed it here, I don't have to.

"Sorry I'm not sorry, grand-daughter"

1 comment:

  1. balances out the super hottie guy i saw at disneyland with the fat & ugly date.
    girlfriend(?) gayfriend situation(?) nope, she had a wedding ring on.

    maybe the better looking end of the couple is insecure and wants to feel superior, or doesn't want any competition, who knows.
