July 21, 2011


Today's post is sleep-related (yeah, another one), but, surprisingly, not dream-related (I can hear you cheering on the other end).

Last Sunday when I woke up, something felt....off. It was a beautiful, traffic-free day, but something wasn't right. I gnashed my teeth together a few times (not really, but I've never had an excuse to use the word gnash so just go with it), and realized that I wasn't wearing my retainers. Mind you, I usually don't wear them, but I was 100% certain that I'd had them in when I went to bed.

I began a frantic (or as frantic as one can be on a lazy Sunday) search in my sheets. No luck. I called my mom, who advised me to look under the bed. Sure enough, about 4 feet under the bed was a blue hunk of plastic. My beloved. I was a little weirded out, but oddly impressed at my sleep-throwing abilities.

Fast forward to this morning. I woke up feeling a little breezier than normal. I got out of bed, and realized I wasn't wearing a shirt (thanks, mirror). I guess sleep-stripping is the next level up from sleep-throwing. I'm going on a camping trip this weekend, which could get interesting if this trend continues.

What will I sleep-do next? I'll keep you posted.


  1. I take off my pants in my sleep when I am really stressed. I don't know how I don't wake up. But it's happened a few times with my shirt too.

  2. I once wrote a novel in my sleep. That's probably why it still isn't published.
