July 8, 2011


Happy Friday
Con: I have work today
Pro: Fridays are casual.

Today is officially a guilt-free day. Why? Well, this morning I logged onto facebook (still one of the first pages I check--so college-y of me) and noticed that none of my "friends" had birthdays today. Every other morning, I inspect the names, and usually end up deciding not to send my well-wishes (justification: they'll probably get hundreds of other posts from their other "friends"). I am not the type to write an insincere/generic "happy birthday!" on the wall of every person on their birthday. If I can't think of something personal to add, or I wouldn't ever write on their wall otherwise, I hold off. No offense to anyone, I just don't want to feel like a phony (can you tell I'm rereading Catcher in the Rye? Ha)

Even so, my conscience feels a little clearer on the days that my news feed doesn't inform me that 28 of my friends wished someone a happy birthday and I didn't.

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