May 20, 2012

Just Say No!

Tonight I feel compelled to share my thoughts on flaky people. Why? Because I structured my entire weekend around visits from potential new roommates who were coming to check out my apartment. The problem is, only one of them showed up. Another cancelled the night before, and a third texted me an hour before she was supposed to arrive saying she wouldn't be able to make it until much later, and when much later arrived, was nowhere to be found and didn't answer any of my texts. Yes, this particular instance was annoying, but the point I'm really trying to make is that flakiness has become an epidemic and we need to stop it.

I've come to the conclusion that at the root of each flaky person is a deep-seeded fear of people getting mad at them if they say no to anything, so they say yes to everything.

Here are my questions (I just want to understand you!): If you know deep down that you have no intention of following through on whatever it is you just agreed to do, why don't you just say no to begin with?  Does delaying the rejection make any difference in how you feel about yourself or perceive that others will feel about you? Who are you really fooling here?

Flakes, I promise you, saying no is not that difficult (I do it all the time), and adopting this skill will actually make people like you more because you won't constantly be creating a sense of false hope only to ultimately let others down.

Bed time.

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