September 11, 2010

Not-So-Sudden Realization

My laptop is back! Empty, but back. And I'm on my way to Thai Swan for dinner with one of the roomies. That is the good news.

Now for the less-than-good news--an pet-peeve that I feel I must finally make known to the public. I judge people based on their texts. I don't like shortcuts or abbreviations or messed up punctuation. The "word" 'ur' is not that much shorter than 'your', and when you take into account the extra 10 minutes it takes me to figure out what the hell you are trying to say, no time is saved. Texting in itself is already such a lazy means of communication, so why can't we at least follow proper grammar rules?

Maybe I'm being harsh, but my inner spelling-bee champ cannot stomach this any longer.

Also, if you ever get a text from me that says 'Lol' or any similar phrase, please call the police and notify them that my phone has been stolen.

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