June 21, 2013

On Receiving Music

Whenever someone promises they'll give me music, I force myself to not get excited until they actually deliver on their promise.  Before you write me off as a cynic (though that also might be the case), hear me out:

Long ago (or not so long ago, depending on what you consider long), a certain boy promised me a flash drive with 1,000 of his favorite songs on it.  I was excited, obviously, and anxious to receive the goods.  The problem was, I was on the west coast and he was on the east coast.  I didn't want to be a nag, so instead of asking for the music, I mailed him mix-tapes of my own, in an attempt to rev his memory.  He'd always call me to to say thanks, and end the call with "Oh, I still owe you that flash drive!"

As things started slipping south (as things tend to do when a couple occupies two different coasts), I started actually asking him for the flash drive, in fear that I'd never get it otherwise.  First he complained that he didn't have a flash drive.  Then, once he got the flash drive, he didn't have an envelope. After about six months of this, I gave up.  

Then, one night, I was greeted with "I mailed the flash drive!" I was SO excited.  Every day, I waited by the window for the mail truck so I could immediately dart to the mailbox to see if the flash drive was there. Finally, a regular paper envelope arrived with my name written in his chicken-scratch handwriting.  I tore open the envelope.  Inside was a card, saying 'Here's the flash drive...I hope you like it...etc...,' but the flash drive wasn't inside.  I checked the envelope to see if it had fallen out of the card.  It was then that I noticed a flash drive-sized hole in the bottom corner of the envelope.  It had fallen out somewhere between New York and California.

I called him, almost in tears, because the flash drive that was going to save us had gotten lost in the mail.  He didn't seem as upset as I was, but promised he'd resend it. 

Guess what guys - he never did.

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