May 24, 2011


Inertia: An object in motion is likely to stay in motion (I'm not a scientist, so don't quote me on that).
Blog Uninertia: A blog not in motion is likely to stay not in motion.

Basically, the longer I go without blogging, the less likely I am to blog.

I've been super busy. Taking finals, graduating, moving home (and out again in two weeks), and battling a quite annoying medical malady.

In summary: finals were hard, graduation was standard-- if not a little boring--and moving was meh (though I do have a nasty cut/bruise from a storage bin breaking in half and falling onto my foot. Don't move in sandals. Duh.)

As for the last thing. I have a word of caution to you all (probably only applies to girls): DON'T use old makeup. Please. Last weekend, I came home looking gross and unprepared to look un-gross if needed. My parents wanted to go out to dinner, so I cleverly decided to grab some old makeup that had been sitting in my closet for....years.

The next day, I noticed my lips felt drier than usual, but didn't pay attention to it because I was in finals mode. That was my only symptom until Thursday. I woke up at 5am for an early morning final, and noticed that my eyes looked puffier than usual. I attributed it to sleep deprivation. Throughout the day, I felt okay, and the eye swelling went down a bit (I think. I wasn't looking in the mirror much). That night, I was going to a friend's birthday party (a fancy one). I noticed my skin was VERY dry and my lips were cracking. I noticed a bunch of splotchy red spots on my neck. Not normal, but I had partying to do and no time to dwell.

Friday morning- graduation day. Woke up. AWFUL. My skin felt too tight for my face. Went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Scary thing looked back at me. It had a bright red face with swollen baggy eyes. I thought some de-puffing eye cream might help, so I rubbed it on. It burned. My eyes immediately started watering like crazy, and then I was sweating and shaking. I tried washing it off, but the burning continued. The only thing that helped a little was putting a bag of ice on my face. I threw on some (ugly) clothes and managed to drive home, even though I couldn't open my eyes. My mom tried to tell me I didn't look that bad. I didn't believe her. She drove me to the doctor's office, and the office staff didn't didn't believe her either. I got some pitiful looks.

The only way to reduce the swelling was a steriod shot. Lucky me. A lady took me into the back room, where I rolled up my sleeve like a warrior. I guess I am naive. This kind of shot is done in the butt (Yeah, I know it sounds dirty and gross. It was. I said a few unkind words. Sorry nurse). Afterward, they gave me a prescription for something and told me to take Benadryll.

Oh yeah, and did I mention this was all happening while all my friends were having a graduation photo shoot? Shitty.

So I went home, took all my drugs, and tried to think about something besides the fact that this was my graduation day and I looked and felt like a snake prepping for shedding season.
It took me 90 minutes to put on enough makeup to (mostly) hide my disfigurations, and it hurt like hell. Every time I moved my face (or blinked), my un-stretchable skin would crack a little. By the grace of God, I was able to get some pictures that hid my diseased look.

And I lived. I've spent the last 3 days doing crazy things like standing over boiling pots of water and re-lotioning about every 10 minutes to try and speed up the "shedding" process (again, sounds gross. Again, it is. I could have gone in to more detail about said crazy things, so be thankful that I didn't). Hopefully, I'll be able to go out in public in a few days.

And hopefully, and few days after that, I'll be able to look back on my graduation day and laugh.

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