April 26, 2011


Retro (Latin prefix): "backwards" or "in past times."

Looking at life events in retrospect provides a level of clarity that cannot be present at the time the even occurred.
Looking at life in retrospect is like analyzing a sports game after you know the final score. It's easy to see where and when the strategic errors took place. Sometimes I wish I knew all the answers ahead of time.

You too might be thinking, "wouldn't life be easier if I knew everything in advance?" Upon further thought, I think not.
  • a. Knowing is easy, but easy = boring.
  • b. knowing everything that's going to happen includes both good and bad things. Being aware of your own impending doom (if such is the case) could be depressing. Ignorance is bliss.
Retrospect can also identify good things that you didn't know or think were good at the time. Like getting passed up for one job, only to get a better one later. Yeah, it sucks at the time, but in retrospect, you're pretty glad that those jerks didn't want you. (Same goes for boys).

I bring this up, because on my ride home today, I was thinking about two of my friends who dated for a little while. It ended strangely, and drama ensued. At the time, it was a pretty big deal. Now, the issue is pretty much dead.

So basically, in retrospect, nothing is that big of a deal. Therefore, let's all relax a bit, shall we?

Feliz Martes

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