April 22, 2011

Double Scoop

*Forewarning: today's post is brought to you by severe sleep deprivation and a long drive, and I'm trying to keep my language as un-harsh as possible. That said, I can't guarantee anything.

Since it's been a while since my last post, I'm lumping two thoughts into one entry.
Today's topics: (1) Considerate Vs. Inconsiderate, and (2) Opinions

1. There are two types of people: considerate and...not. I think that I'm typically a considerate person. I'm not trying to paint a portrait of myself as a saint, but I almost always consider others' thoughts and needs before I act (via group consensus, majority opinion, etc.). I'm not going to do something that nobody else wants to do, because in the end I'll feel guilty. I expect the same treatment from others. However, this 'golden rule' mentality doesn't account for those on the other side of the coin. The steam-rollers. It's their way or the highway, and if you disagree...well, they're going to do what they damn-well please, regardless of how you feel.

A problem arises when a considerate person is paired with an inconsiderate person. Though it's in my nature to consider others, it can get extremely frustrating when I know that I won't get the same treatment in return. I suppose it would be easy enough to be inconsiderate also in order to get even, but then I'm compromising my own values. Hopefully karma/justice will determine how this one turns out.

2. Which segways into my second topic (rant): opinions and tolerance.

opin·ion \ə-ˈpin-yən\: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter (merriam-webster.com)

Differences are inherent in our society. We are all different, so naturally there will be differences among individuals. Size, shape, intelligence, experience, and opinions.

It is impossible to eliminate all differences among people. We can react to these differences in two ways: tolerance or intolerance.

1. Tolerance- accept that people have different opinions than you do. They aren't wrong, and neither are you.

2. Intolerance- try to convince others that your opinion is the correct opinion, and persist until they change their mind.

I am unwaveringly tolerant. I embrace differences. I might not agree with others' opinions all the time, but I am open to the idea that my opinion is not more 'right' or 'wrong' than anyone elses. I believe that being intolerant of others is a sign of ignorance.

I also consider myself a pacifist, but when people try to tell me that my opinions are wrong, I push back. My opinion regarding opinions is that you have no right to tell someone else that their opinion is wrong. I have spent the last 22 1/2 years gathering information from my surroundings, so it's not like my opinions were formed in a vacuum. If you think there is any single thing you can tell me that will reverse a lifetime of thought...you're wasting your time and breath.

But like I said, that's just my opinion. If you disagree with my opinion:
  • Cool. You're entitled to disagree with me.
However, if you are currently formulating an argument of how you will convince me otherwise:
  • Go back and read this entry again--this time with your eyes open.

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