June 12, 2009

Feliz Viernes!

I finally found a minute to usar mi computadora (every other opportunity has been after midnight, and there's constantly people in my room talking until the wee hours). It has been a crazy busy week.

Uruguay is not what anyone was expecting. First of all, none of us actually believed that it was winter (i.e. cold), but it is. Thankfully, the girls have already started a jacket/scarf/boot swap so we don't wear the same stuff every day (I'm wearing my roommate's boots right now). Also, their food isn't spicy at all. Apparently, Uruguayans think putting pepper on their food is adventurous. That being said, the food is GOOD. Every night we get dinner at Hillel (free), and they have stuff like lentil soup and quiche. Very different than what I have at home. I tried empenadas today for the first time. I got two- one was vegetable chop suey (a less PC way to say asian stir-fry) and chicken chop suey. They tasted like mu-shu.

Speaking of different, last night most of our group went to see an opera. It had really pretty sets and stuff, but the singing was in Italian, and the Subtitles were in spanish. I could sort of piece together what was going on. Luckily someone wikipedia'd the plot first.

I'm learning a lot in my spanish class since the teachers don't let us speak english. I still can't hold an intelligible conversation with a native, but hopefully 20 hours of class per week will start to pay off.

This afternoon is my first free afternoon. Every day before that I've been going to the a clothing factory for my internship, (but from now on I'll only go Tuesdays and THursdays).

In case I don't update again, here is my near-future itinerary: THis afternoon, me and one other girl are probably going to the mall and possibly the sauna. TOnight is services, and then we are going to eat dinner with families (ps- dinner is at 9 or 10 pm here). Tomorrow is "girls day"--sauna and nail painting. There will be a guy there too, but it's okay because we all love him. At night, we're going dancing and drinking with Hillel kids. Should be exciting. We've been meaning to go out all week (in Uruguay, night life STARTS at 2), but we all crash before. Sunday, we're going to an outdoor market and then at night there's a concert at Hillel in honor of their 85th anniversary (A rolling stones cover band).

Sorry this entry is so all over the place, but I'm trying to get a lot of info out before I forget. Hopefully I'll be able to update soon, but who knows...


1 comment:

  1. Hola! Glad you are doing so much and having fun! I want to hear more about this "clothing factory." Is it sketchy?

    Which opera did you see?

    Glad you're enjoying the food. Crazy that the night life starts so late.

    Also, this is really random but if you hear about a space shuttle launch, Mom's cousin is the Commander! I have been following him on Twitter.

    Hopefully you will blog every few days or once a week-- it's fun to hear about the cultural differences and your activities.

    Con amor xoxoxo
