April 15, 2013

Any City, USA

 After a weekend away, I was welcomed back to reality with harsh, unloving arms.

Another senseless act of violence, committed upon a group of people gathered to celebrate the triumphs of their peers. The victims were doing nothing that any normal person in any normal city wouldn't do, and yet they are left disfigured, both physically and emotionally, by an arbitrary act of hate.  Violence is a disease that, if left untreated, will continue to spread. We need to stop this epidemic in its tracks.  Even if you were not personally affected by the events that occurred today; next time, it could be your city, and your peers. Or, it could be you.

We are privileged enough to live in a country with virtually no wars fought on our turf.  Why then, do we insist on waging a war on our own people?

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