September 12, 2012

Hermit Times

Earlier this evening, I drove through my old neighborhood while running errands. In proximity, it's not far away from where I live now, but sometimes it seems like a different universe.

My old apartment wasn't particularly nice, and other than a few pictures hanging on the walls, had almost nothing in it (roommate and I decided against buying a coffee table or kitchen table, so we ate all meals sitting on the couch with trays on our laps). My roommate and I's relationship consisted of sitting on the couch and watching TV in massive ugly sweatpants and equally oversized t-shirts or hoodies.  I never felt embarrassed for looking like crap, which--let's face it--unless I put in a good amount of effort, crap is my natural state. Neither of us went out or had guests over, so I could be a crappy looking hermit in peace.

My new apartment is fully furnished and nicely decorated.  With everything being as nice as it is, I'm in a constant state of worry that something will get dirty or ruined.  My new roommate always looks perfect.  Even when she wears sweats, they're matching pieces that actually fit. She often invites friends over to the apartment, or wants me to go out with her and her friends for wild nights.

So tonight, while I was driving, I realized that I miss being a hermit and looking like crap without feeling at all embarrassed or ashamed.

1 comment:

  1. You need to stop worrying-immediately-about your apartment furniture. Assuming it is starter junk (Ashley, Ikea or some such crap) it will never make it to your real house anyway. You're not going to have this furniture when you are 45 years old and I highly doubt it will say "she took good care of her furniture" on your tombstone someday, so ignore your furniture. You don't want it to get a big ego, right?
    As far as hermitville, how about a happy medium, no baggy, sloppy, hanging 10 inches down from your crotch like a penguin sweat pants. You can still be casual and comfortable without looking hermit-like. And I don't mean those overpriced juicy things. Forever 21 will do.
