September 4, 2012

Goodbye My Lover

(10 points if you immediately associated this post's title with the overly-dramatic James Blunt song)

I've had a persistently upset stomach for longer than I can remember.  My reaction to most medical(ish) issues is to ignore them and hope that they go away, but this stomachache isn't going anywhere.  Last night, I came across an article about the existence of a correlation between carbonated drinks and stomach issues. *Lightbulb moment!*  I drink ridiculous amounts of soda on a regular basis, and yet somehow I never considered the fact that consuming unhealthy amounts of air, bubbles, chemicals and sugar could be the cause of my problem. I've occasionally pushed around the idea of cutting out soda in the past, but I've never had a compelling enough reason to actually go through with it until now.  I'm hoping that the lack of carbonation (and fake sugar, in the case of Coke Zero) will make me feel better, which is totally worth cutting ties with one of my all-time greatest loves in life. Goodbye my lover, goodbye my friend.

1 comment:

  1. Coffee and tea can also mess up your stomach. It's the acid. Hope you feel better.
