February 18, 2011

New Paradigm

As you might have noticed, I'm into dream analysis.

Today's blurb is not related to dream content, but an interesting phenomenon I experienced this afternoon. I didn't get much sleep last night (Thursday nights are the college senior's mecca), so I was pretty tired. I laid down on the couch, and drifted into one of those states of sleep where you aren't completely asleep.

--I was really tired, and I was trying to focus on what I was doing, but I kept falling in and out of sleep. The lights were dim, and everything was kind of hazy. He kept telling me not to fall asleep, and when I did, I opened my eyes and was laying on the couch.--

I dubbed it a yin-yang dream. Falling asleep in my dream allowed me to wake up in real life. Kind of sucks because it was a nice dream.

In other news, I have a job! For real, in the real world with real people. The only down side is that my summer break will be 15 days long, but whatevs. Until then, my goal is to learn how to enjoy life (I've been living at near breaking-point for a good couple of months now).

Coincidentally, in one my my classes we are studying our culture's tendency to overwork ourselves. The professor told the class, much to my relief, that it is impossible to give 100% in everything we do. Some things matter less. It's a fact.

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