January 3, 2011

Back to School Assessment

Interterm started this today (my second-to-last semester of college!). The day was fairly uneventful until my roommate told me that she and her boyfriend had broken up (not going to lie--I wasn't expecting it. They've been together, like, forever). To help her grieve, we sat down together and discussed some of the reasons relationships suck at our age.

1. As seniors in college, we are all asking ourselves 'Who am I, and what the hell do I want out of life?' It's difficult to incorporate another person into this vision because frankly, we have no idea what the vision is.

2. When we are young, we think that people who like each other are in relationships, and people who don't aren't. Once you begin to think about leaving the cocoon of school, you realize that it usually involves relocation to some extent. Logistically, maintaining a relationship isn't easy. It can be a weird concept to fathom: people who like each other sometimes can't be together.

3. Couples that do stay together/get married immediately after college have to make a lot of sacrifices. People with big goals may feel trapped/unfulfilled knowing that they gave it all up to maintain a relationship. Or not. It depends.

4. Bonus: If you wait until a few years after college, you have a greater chance of meeting someone who already has their shit together (as do you), so you never have to go through the existential/quarter life crisis phase.

For now, I advised her to stay distracted, not listen to music, not be alone, no hookups (ALWAYS backfire), and not force herself back into the dating scene (she's still in the 'can't look at guys' phase).

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