August 22, 2010

Back to School Blues

School starts one week from tomorrow. I'm having mixed feelings about starting 16th grade. I bought my school supplies today, for the 16th time, and as I was standing in Target's back-to-school section surrounded by kids 1/3 my age, I thought, 'you're getting too old for this.' I think the transition is especially rough this time because I have have seen the field beyond the trees (i.e. the working world) only to walk back into another forest. 

I'm used to working full time. I like the contrast between week days and weekends. I'm more efficient with my time when I know that I have 45 hours less to waste at my discretion. 

That being said, I am glad that I have a "buffer year" to get my shit together. And to get a real, permanent job (theoretically). As a family friend told me, "you will get a job. It might not be exactly what you plan on, but you will get one. In the mean time, you can't worry about it all the time." (oh yeah? watch me) 

But really, she's right. I refuse to go down without a fight. Someone will hire me. 

In other news, I've been reading a lot lately, and I'd forgotten how enjoyable reading for pleasure can be. Mostly because you get to pick the book yourself, and the stress of being tested isn't a factor. I'm going to miss it. A fast, cheap way to forget about what's going on in my own life. Hopefully my summer reads will stick in my brain long enough to get me through the semester, and then I can recharge during winter break. 

Also, I'm going to try update this more often than I have been (and 1 line "I'm tired" posts don't count). My sanity blog. 

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