July 22, 2010

An Old Soul

This summer I've been very stressed about the future (fall accounting recruitment/getting a job, classes, work), and I've started to resent the stage that I am at in life. I don't like ambiguity. 

Yesterday after work, I took a walk-- my normal hill route. While on a particularly curvy part of the road, I decided that I wanted to cross the street. However, I realized it was dangerous to cross when a car could come around the corner at any time. I was a walking metaphor. I am about to enter a curvy part of my road, and I can't see what's around the corner. Hopefully not a car waiting to run me down. 

Lately I've been wishing I could take a magical nap and wake up in 10 years when everything's figured out. Basically I've been wishing I wasn't young anymore. 

Today at work, I was in the break room, and two women from my department came in. They were complaining about their sleeping problems, and their aches and pains, and one looked at me and said, "We're so jealous. We wish we were young again like you." It took me by surprise. They have everything figured out--jobs, husbands, families--and they'd rather be in my position. 

I need to stop stressing about the future and things outside my control and enjoy my youth because once it's gone, it's gone for good. One day I'll be the lady in the break room wishing I was the 21-year-old intern.

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