August 10, 2012

The Know-Nothing Party

Warning: I'm about to attempt to recall information from my high school AP U.S. History Class. I took this class seven years ago....

During the civil war (or maybe a different war...I don't remember), there was a political party called the Know-Nothing Party. Basically, whenever a member of this party was questioned by officials about their knowledge of any war-related information, they would claim that they didn't know anything about it (the kicker: they did!)

Turns out, the Know-Nothing party still exists at work, though not intentionally. It also turns out that I am the only member of this party.

I am writing this post while taking a break from power cleaning my room. Why? Because my mom is coming into town to be my +1 for a Norah Jones concert (the tickets were free from work) and spending the night. Coincidentally, the Norah Jones tickets are what clued me in to the fact that I know nothing.

Confused? You should be. Anyway, like I said, the concert tickets are free because a bunch of people form my office are going together. Back in May, when we were asked how many tickets we wanted, my teammate reserved two: one for him and one for his wife. This past week, when we got the email to go pick up our tickets, that teammate said he didn't think he was going to go to the concert after all. "Oh, come on!" I said excitedly, "Let's go get our tickets! You can't tell me that Sarah [his wife] doesn't want to go."

Awkward snickers.

Later, while we were driving to the Sony lot for fieldwork, my teammate casually mentioned that he and his wife (Sarah) has separated a few months ago, and the snickers were because nobody realized that I didn't know about it until I put my over-enthusiastic foot in my mouth. Oops.

The next day, I found out that my other teammate's wife is having a baby next month when another teammate suggested a Vegas trip the weekend of her due date and dad-to-be jokingly said "Let's Go!" I didn't realize he was joking, because I knew nothing about said baby. Everyone else had known for months.

So, either I have an invisible sign on my forehead that says "Don't Tell Me Anything!" or I am leaving the modern revival of the Know-Nothing Party.

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