January 10, 2014

The Internet Isn't A Doctor

For the record, I have an objectively hearty appetite.  I can eat a lot in one setting.  I eat pretty often, because I get cranky when I'm hungry.

This week, I noticed that my appetite has been off.  I had a recurring stomachache for two-ish days (though only in the morning and at night). Yesterday, I wasn't really hungry for breakfast, but ate it anyway.  About an hour later, en route to a work appointment, I had a cup of green tea, and felt like I was going to throw up for about 15 minutes (I didn't). At night, I attempted to eat dinner, but my stomach quickly informed me that it was closed for the evening.

This morning, I woke up, still not hungry.  I did laundry and chores for about an hour, hoping to work up an appetite.  It didn't happen, but I ate breakfast anyway, because I felt like I should.  Fast-forward to 4 pm: I hadn't eaten in 7 hours and STILL wasn't hungry.  Again, I ate a small snack, because I felt like I should. Then I hit the internet...

According various Web-MD equivalents, I am either anorexic, or have a slew of maladies that range from kidney failure to cancer. Thanks, Internet.

First off, I think most anorexics are very hungry and intentionally starving themselves.  The medical internet community thinks anorexic people just don't feel like eating (I'm going to wager that a man wrote that article).

Second, before I waste any more time worrying, can temporary stomach ache/loss of appetite be caused by something as simple as stress or sleep deprivation?

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