September 25, 2012

Sorry I Am Sorry

Tomorrow is Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement.  This year I will be atoning from my cubicle because A- I'm not a member of a temple, and B- I'm hoarding my vacation days (I guess I should add hoarding vacation days to my list of things to atone for). Also, after a few rough attempts in the past, I've decided to not participate in the fast because when I do not eat, I quickly become angry/stupid/forgetful/lightheaded/unconscious, and I probably shouldn't  risk any major screw ups the day before my annual salary/performance review.

In summary, I am a horrible Jew, but luckily I can erase (some of) the damage tomorrow during my mini cubicle atonement. To all better (real) Jews, go ahead and judge me. Then add 'being judgmental' to your list of things to atone for.

1 comment:

  1. Religion is based on antiquated crap anyway. Just eat and avoid being angry/stupid/lightheaded or unconscious, and something else, can't remember.
