For the last 6-ish months, I'd been so busy between work and cramming for tests that just the thought of traveling was exhausting (actually traveling - forget it). But now that I've officially scheduled my last test, I've been giving some thought to what I'm going to do with my life once I have leisure time at my discretion.
A co-worker friend and I were bouncing ideas around during a study session, and the subject of music festivals came up. In general, I'm a fan of music of almost any and every variety (but please don't force country music upon me or I will become angry sorry Hoover House roommates), so a long weekend of nothing but live music is somewhat of a dream.
After realizing that sold-out Coachella tickets might be hard to come by (I've dubbed the term Poach-ella to mean waiting to pounce on someone's tickets when they sell them at the last minute, but then you have to deal with insane prices and camping logistics. I spend a good deal of my life worrying about logistics, but I try to keep my worrying and my traveling in separate spheres).
Then we remembered Sasquatch - the hip cousin of Coachella located up in Washington (State of, not DC), and co-worker friend remembered that she has a friend at U-Dub (University of Washington, to those of you not in the know) that she's been promising to visit.
So a few dollars later (give or take a lot of dollars),
I'm taking a (musical) vacation!
I'm thinking this is just the ticket (pun intended) to cure my away sickness and motivate me to study my brains out (ie. not fail my remaining tests).
And look - I'm even featured on the festival poster. I'm so honored!
how did you get on the poster, lucky girl? enjoy the festival.