Pardon last night's blog. Sometimes Exhaustion drops in and wants to write a guest post. (At least you only have to read her posts. She tends to stick around and whine about her life every time she visits)
Anyways, tonight I'm back with devastating news. First, the back story:
A few weeks ago, my earbuds finally died. I didn't like them much (earbuds in general, that is), so I was excited to finally upgrade to
real headphones. After a bit of homework (ie. price comparison) I bought these:

*I also tweeted this lovely photo. Yes, I have a twitter.And a love affair ensued. I spent my days listening to soul-meltingly clear music (either from my iPod, or streamed from NPR, one of the few music-related sites not blocked on my work computer). Finally, I could escape the working world and be with my one true love (music), all while being pretty darn productive.
Jump to today. My last day at work before CPA exam #3 attempts to suck out my soul for good. Needless to say, I've been pretty stressed spending my days at work (ie.
not studying). About mid-afternoon, I heard the familiar bleep of an incoming email. I was elbows-deep in a project, so I didn't check it immediately. Then I heard the other members of my 4-pack (think a giant cubicle that fits 4), utter such sayings as "
what?" and "
are you kidding me?"
I looked up from my project to meet their devastated faces. "Read the email," they said.
I will transcribe the email as best I can (without inserting any personal feelings). It was a company-wide email from one of our managing partners, and said:
has come to my attention that many of you are listening to music on your earphones during work. This practice has become a distraction that is preventing you all from serving our clients in the best way possible. Therefore, I ask that you listen to music on your own personal time rather than at work."
So now, upon my return to work next Tuesday, I have 10 hours of silence to look forward to. And now, like at the end of all great love affairs, my heart is broken.