^ This is currently the top item on my wish list.
I'm still sick. As of last night I thought the worst was over, but whatever I have keeps evolving. Last week it was only a sore throat. Over the weekend it turned into a clogged/runny nose, and now it's aches and....slow brain (I know there's a better way to say that, but since I have slow brain I can't think of it).
Today I left work at noon (those 5 hours were painful) because my head was too clogged to handle the higher-level thinking required for my current project. (Even this entry is taking a while. Every time I pause to think about what I want to write, I end up zoning out and starting at a blank spot on the wall. Damn slow brain). I slept for the rest of the day.
Looks like I'll have to keep wishing for that soup, given that my caretaker (ie. me) does not have the energy to change out of her pajamas and drive to the store. It's times like these I realize that being independent is overrated.
Epilogue: 8:03 pm: I found a can of 'Maryland-Style Crab' soup in the top shelf of my pantry that I apparently bought this summer (what was I thinking?). It wasn't good, but it was enough to fuel me for an evening of classic rock and CPA review flash cards (Yay 100.3 for keeping me alert, because the test I'm studying for now is so boring that I've been increasing my procrasti-showers and escape-naps)
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