1. Do you have a job?
2. Do you have a boyfriend?
There are three ways I can deal with these questions.
1. Answer the questions. "No, and...no" (of course, there's a longer, more complicated answer for question two, but seeing as I don't know these people very well and I'm not fond of disclosing self-incriminating details to casual acquaintances, just saying no is easier).
2. Pretend there is something far more interesting/distracting on the other side of the room that prevented me from hearing the question, and that I must go investigate right away.
3. Stuff my face with so much food that answering questions would be futile and somewhat gross.
But enough about that. It's over, and I am glad. In fact, this year is pretty much over, and I am glad.
For the remainder of this post, I'm going to sum up my year in travels. I didn't travel as much this year as I did the previous two, but I did get A LOT of experience traveling alone and last-minute. Traveling is my favorite thing in the world. It is quite literally my escape. When I don't travel enough, I get 'away sick' (like home sick but reverse).
January: Started the year off in Seattle. It was cold, but a crisp cold that can be remedied by wearing layers and drinking coffee. And Seattle is near Vancouver, the love-city of my life.
Then, a LONG travel break. Focusing on school. Very away sick.
but then....
June: Hawaii. Booked the flight 5 days before the trip. Humid, but not too hot, and gorgeous.
September: Booked a flight 6 days in advance. Spent the summer working 40 hours a week and needed a break. Been to this city many times, but never in September. Lovely Weather.
(See question 2 above....)
October: Rang in my 22nd in New Mexico. Hot air balloons aplenty. Fun and delicious (and paid for by my parents), but also reminded me why I like traveling alone sometimes.
Also October: Booked the flight 5 days in advance. A little colder than last time, but still quite lovely. (Again, refer to question 2)
November: Booked flight 3 days in advance (new record!). World series win=street riots. Exciting night.

December: No traveling, but too exhausted to be away sick. Making up for all the class I missed in October/November...
Now I'm done with the fall semester and home recovering/gearing up for the new year. Spending my free hours reading and doing all the fun things I don't have time for when I'm in school (long browsy trips to Cost Plus World Market!!!) Back to school a week from Monday, so not much time to get bored.
My 2011 travels commence January 8th (flying to New Orleans with a free first class ticket. Yay for parents with almost-expired miles). Kind of ironic that I'm flying first class to volunteer at a shelter and rebuild hurricane Katrina homes, but I swear, I only did it because there weren't any free coach seats available. My fingers are crossed for a Europe trip in early summer (my parents are willing to pay for it because a) I don't want a graduation party, b) I got straight A's this semester [with three 400-level accounting classes--not too shabby], and c) I suspect they feel bad for me--but hey, I'll take it)
Cheers to 2010. For better or for worse, you are now over and old news.
Cheers to the year to come. A blank slate sounds refreshing.
Isn't it crazy how much things can change in a year? Who knows what life will be like 365 days from today.
Adios amigos.

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