October 31, 2013


My most festive act of the evening was killing a spider that was crawling up the living room wall.

My most festive thought of the evening was that I could tell everyone that I dressed up as the kid from Home Alone (because I was home, alone).

My most festive goal is that I am going to try to make my holiday observances less pathetic before I turn 30.

October 29, 2013

Sick Daze

In the last 27 hours, I've eaten a cup of dry cereal, a cup of gatorade and a few spoonfuls of rice.

I've moved only between the couch, my bed and the bathroom.

I think for Hanukkah this year, I'd like a caretaker for days like these.

October 20, 2013

A Lesson on Not Wasting Time Being Jealous

In the age of social media, it's easy to see the wonderful/beautiful/fabulous places everyone is going to with their wonderful/beautiful/fabulous friends or significant other.  I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but sometimes the overwhelmingly positive cross-section of my friend's lives that they display to the public makes me feel inadequate. 

It's tempting to be jealous of what they have, but based on the people I know pretty well in real life, none of them are as happy as they make themselves out to be in their online personas.

Case in point: a particular couple who graduated from my high school a few years before me.  For years, their profiles were filled with adorable couple photos, then photos of their lavish wedding, followed by their tropical honeymoon.  Fast-forward about 2 years.  According to what the groom's bitter mother relayed to my mother, the wife cheated four times in their first year of marriage and then left him.

Good thing I wasted no time being jealous of what they had, which apparently wasn't much.

I wish, every once in a while, someone (other than myself) would have the balls to admit to the world that their life isn't always super awesome and exciting.  I'm not saying to air your dirty laundry all over the internet, but make a real effort to create an accurate depiction of who you really are.

Try it.  Maybe your friends will hate you less.

October 8, 2013

A Birthday Poem/Dilmena

Happy Birthday to me!
The older I get
The younger I want to be

October 7, 2013

Quarter Life

It's approximately one hour until midnight, which means approximately one hour until my 25th birthday.

As the number suggests, is it time for a quarter life crisis? Eh. Been there, done that.

25 is really not that old, in the grand scheme of things.  I've been an "adult" for almost 3 years, and I probably have a few good years of "adulthood" left before I reach actual, legitimate adulthood.  I should use these years to act like a non-adult while I still can get away with it.

In fact, my "new-age resolution" (because New Year's resolutions are crap anyways) is to act younger this year, because I am tired of acting like an old, washed-up person.

Here's to youth.